Stay With Me – Cover


This song “Stay with Me” is by Sam Smith. It is a song off his debut album “In the Lonely Hour”, I wrote a review about it. Check it out! This is one of my favorite songs on the album, so imagine my delight when I heard that R&B Heartthrob Luke James did a cover for it.  Bask in the awesomeness that is Luke James in his acoustic cover of Stay With Me below.


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Now a lite summary of Luke James. Luke James opened for Beyonce during her Mrs. Carter  Show World Tour. He has made music with the likes of Wale, Rick Ross, Bridget Kelly and Hit-Boy to name a few. His two mixtapes are: #Luke and Whispers in the Dark. These mixtapes have songs like: I.O.U, I Want You, OH GOD Ft Hit-Boy, and Make Love to Me, that I love. He will be releasing his self-titled debut album Luke James on September 23rd. I am looking forward to listening to his album, I have enjoyed Luke’s music so far and I trust I won’t be disappointed.

As always if you are not familiar with the original song, take a listen below.

Sam Smith – Stay With Me


Image: Wolf James (Luke James) Instagram

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