
Hello There!

First things first – thank you very much for taking the time to visit my blog. I’m humbled that you want to get to know more about me and my blog.

Welcome to A New Lite Blog. The purpose of this page is to provide original content and serve as a resource by sharing insights, experiences, and thoughts on my many interests. My blog was originally called The Litestyle Observer. The inception of the idea for it came about seriously in December 2013, as a forum to give a unique perspective and witty commentary on trending topics in music and entertainment. The blog went live in June 2014 with a focus on music, TLO remains a credible platform for sharing music, appreciating artists, and supporting their craft. I have now re-branded it to A NEW LITE because I have grown so much in the past six years and so has my passion and interests. I love music, trust me that will NEVER change and I will still share music on my blog. I am excited to expand outside of music and entertainment to share other things I love and I’m passionate about. I hope it is helpful and informative, but above all I hope it helps you see something from a new perspective.

Love and Lite,
Anthonia Eboreime (Owner and Editor of A New Lite)

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