[Premiere] Pye Luis and Garry G – Satisfy You

Minneapolis Electro Funk, R&B and Future Bass artist, DJ and producer Garry G has been working on new music. He has teamed up with Electro R&B producer and keyboardist Pye Luis, who is also MN based.  Their new song ‘Satisfy You’ is off their upcoming they are working on together

Garry recently did a remix to Holidae’s song, ‘Scared‘. Pye Luis is working on  4 track EP with Devata Daun, which Garry G played electro bass on and executively produced coming out this spring.  Garry G is also currently working on a mixtape that will feature a bunch of local rappers and singers to be released later in the year.  Both artists have a lot of good music on the way in the works and look forward to sharing them in a special way very soon.  Till then listen to their new song ‘Satisfy You’ below. This song is also avaiable for download and purchase via Bandcamp. Support Garry G and Pye Luis.

Check out more of music Garry G and Pye Luis on the Soundcloud pages. Let me know what you think of Garry G and Pye Luis new song ‘Satisfy You’; comment below or tweet me (@thelitestyle). Make sure you catch Garry G on the 1s and 2s at NIGHTCHAIN  every Sunday at Icehouse.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/311399739″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Artwork by Sam Shimota

Check out the animated video for the song: