BIG KRIT – Pay Attention Tour (Minneapolis)


Hey Lovelites,

I had the pleasure of attending The Big Krit Concert on Thursday 10/16 at Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis. I always enjoy seeing shows at Fine Line! The sound in there is always on point as well as the security and other amenities. Thanks Fine Line =).The show was really TURNT up! The group Two-9 opened up for Krit. I had never heard of the group until this show and I’m usually a bit skeptical about new acts(I know I shouldn’t be), but I just am. They exceeded my expectations, even though I didn’t know any words to their songs, I jumped, twerked, and bobbed to their songs like they were my favorite rap group. This is because they performed with so much energy and kept the crowd constantly engaged, I couldn’t help but get hyped with them.  They really got the crowd hyped for KRIT. After Two-9 did  their thing, the DJs switched sets and shortly after KING KRIT was on the scene.

The last time I saw KRIT was last year at Hip-Hop Harambee (A Twin Cities music festival) and it was amazing. Krit had the crowd jumping the whole time and this time around he didn’t disappoint. He performed a lot of his popular songs from his mixtapes, albums and some new music as well.  He also brought out his playa partna Big Sant, who has appeared on some of Krit’s projects. They performed a few songs together and the crowd was really hyped. One thing you can always count on from a Big Krit  concert is that you are guaranteed to get a great show. KRIT always comes to perform and engage with the crowd and the energy he gives off makes the crowd even more excited to be there. Krit jumped into the crowd and I was right there in front where he jumped. I was soo excited! My body hurt so much the next day from all the pushing and shoving involved in this situation, but it was part of the experience. I don’t regret it. Krit also did an  amazing freestyle to “Believe Me” by Drake and Lil Wayne, he bodied that freestyle. Krit performed the most anticipated song of the night “Mt Olympus”, which has famously been held in the same regard as Kendrick Lamar’s “Control” verse.  The crowd erupted when this song came on and it was amazing to see how people reacted to it. These were some of the highlights of the show for me.

Some songs he performed were: King Without a Crown, Lac Lac, Temptation, My Sub, Only One, Rotation, Pay Attention, REM, How U Luv That, Just Last Week, Talkin Bout Nothin, I Got This, Pull Up, Mt Olympus, New Agenda, Believe Me Freestyle and a many more. If Krit is heading to a city near you I highly recommend you go see him because you are always guaranteed a great show. I look forward to his new album Cadillactica dropping on November 11th. Krit just dropped the 2nd single off Cadillactica. Take a listen below.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Here are some pictures from the show:

Big Krit concert 1  Big Krit concert 2  Big Concert 3

Big Krit concert 4  Big Krit Concert 5  Big Krit Concert 6

Let me know what you think of Big Krit and his music; Comment below or tweet @thelitestyle and let me know what your favorite songs are and thoughts.

Top Image: Big Krit’s Instagram
Concert Pictures: The Litestyle Observer


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