Jordin Sparks – #BYEFELECIA Mixtape (review)

Jordin-Sparks-Bye-Felicia-Mixtape-Cover-Art_2014-11-25_19-50-10Hey Lovelites,

Happy New Year!! With the new year comes new music. I’m excited that Jordin Sparks has new music out. In November, I heard Jordin Sparks cover to Drake’s song ” How Bout Now” and was elated. I immediately took to twitter to express my excitement and I got a lot of positive responses back. I wasn’t the only one that was in great anticipation of Jordin’s New Mixtape #BYEFELECIA. Even though I feel like Jordin needs no introduction, I will give you all a lite summary about Jordin. Jordin Sparks is a singer, song-writer, and actress. Her claim to fame was winning Season 6 of American Idol. She is also known for her acting  roles on Broadway and in Hollywood. Jordin Sparks has been on hiatus and hasn’t put out a full length project since her her album Battlefield in 2006. Some of Jordin’s popular songs are: No Air ft. Chris Brown, Battlefield, One Step at a Time, Tattoo, and Celebrate ft. Whitney Houston (RIP).

Jordin is back making great music; she is planning on dropping a full length album titled ‘Right Here, Right Now’ sometime this year. This mixtape is a little taste of what is to come from Jordin. She released the mixtape this past November and I just had to review it because her album is one that I’m looking forward to this new year. On the mixtape, she sounds more mature. Her voice is more refined and smoother, plus her lyrics are more edgy and sexy. I’m here for all of that. On this mixtape, she has snippets of songs that will presumably be on her album i.e the album titled track Right here, Right Now, ….  The songs on this mixtape vary from ballads such as: Work from Home and 11:11 to turn up and more up-beat songs: It Ain’t You, Gasoline, and Double Tap ft. 2 Chainz. Her song It Ain’t You is the official first single off her album and it could also serve as a  response to Chris Brown’s Loyal and Ty $’s Paranoid. Her cover of Drake’s song How Bout Now addresses her recent breakup with fellow singer/song-writer Jason Derulo. It lays out some facts to help set the tone and to give some insight on Jordin’s inspiration, perspective, and sound.

If you haven’t already, take a listen to Jordin’s mixtape #ByeFelecia below. Let me know what you think of Jordin Sparks and her new sound; Comment below or tweet me @thelitestyle. let me know what your favorite songs are off the mixtape and thoughts.


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Image (mixtape cover): Jordin Sparks Instagram

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