New Music: Reo Galor – #55408 Ft Suite Ava (Prod. by The Crxsh)

New Music: Reo Galor - #55408 Ft Suite Ava (Prod. by TheCrxsh)


Hey Lovelites,

This is the latest track by Reo Galor titled “#55408” featuring Suite Ava. It is produced The Crxsh. Reo Galor is an up and coming artist based here in Minneapolis.  In this song, Reo details his adventures, admiration, and overall fondness for Uptown, Minneapolis. He is not alone in feeling this way, I know a lot of people who share similar feelings including myself. As a long time resident of the Uptown Area here in Minneapolis, the things Reo speaks about in this song resonates with me. Everything from the bike paths and chilling at the lake to the good vibes and cool people. This song is a good representation of Uptown not only in its lyrics, but also in the smooth and slow-paced production and strategic breaks and pauses in the beat throughout the song. If you have never been to Uptown, Minneapolis before this song definitely gives you an accurate depiction of how it feels over here. Reo has a new project titled, “Excursion” coming out soon and #55408 is one of the many songs that will be on that project. Keep an eye out for that, but till then vibe out and cruise around your favorite part of town to this jam below:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


You can listen to more of Reo Galor’s song on his Soundcloud. Also stay updated with  his music and shows through his  website and on twitter (@ReoGalor). Let me know what you think of Reo Galor  and his music; comment below or tweet me (@thelitestyle)

