Olawumi – Hate Me (Vol. 1)

New Music: Olawumi - Hate Me (Vol. 1)

Hey Lovelites,

After a brief hiatus, Nigerian-American singer-songwriter Olawumi is gracing us with some new music. For those who don’t know who Olawumi is, here’s a LITE summary for you. Hillary Olawumi, better known as Olawumi is a R&B/Soul artist; she is from New Jersey and is of Nigerian descent. Olawumi made her debut on the music scene with the release of her 4-track EP (NOIR) in May of 2014, which featured Philadelphia composer Cloud Atrium on the instrumental part of the production. NOIR proved Olawumi to be one of the most stimulating, distinctive, and fresh new vocalists in alternative rhythm and blues.

Now Olawumi is BACK! She laid her beautiful vocals over two up-tempo, melodic, jazz and blues influenced tracks produced by Portland via Philly-native Reckless. Olawumi is getting her groove back and the only feelings she cares about are her own. She is on her QUEEN sh*t.  Listen to Olawumi come into her own and bask in the spotlight without a care in the world on Hate Me (Vol. 1).

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/126835073″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Check out more music of Olawumi’s music on her Soundcloud. Let me know what you think of Olawumi and her music; comment below or tweet me (@TheLitestyle).
