James Fauntleroy – The Coldest Summer Ever [New Project]

Hey Lovelites,

R&B singer-songwriter and member of music supergroup Cocaine 80s, James Fauntleroy has been flooding the internet with a lot of new music for the past month. These songs are off his new project The Coldest Summer Ever, which is a follow-up to his last project The Warmest Winter Ever. Fauntleroy has been having a very solid year. He has contributed to be seen on top-selling albums i.e  A$AP Rocky (At. Long. Last. ASAP) and Vince Staples (Summertime 06‘), just to name a few. Fauntleroy always gives 110% when he is making music for himself because he has the freedom to experiment with different sounds and various genres of music. He produced a lot of the music on this the project, but he also collaborated with music pioneer Salaam Remi for the production of the song, “Sex High (Ashes To The Moon)”. The project has 14 tracks right now, but that is subject to change because Fauntleroy might still have songs in the tuck ready to be released any day.

Listen to Fauntleroy give off cool vibes on The Coldest Summer Ever below

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