Tiara Thomas – Up In Smoke [New EP]

Hey Lovelites,

R&B singer-songwriter Tiara Thomas recently released her new EP Up in Smoke. The 9-track project shows off Thomas’s sweet vocals and wicked pen game. This EP features production from Ryan “Ryghteous” Tedder, Swagg R’celious, and Warren “Oak” Felder and features the singles, “How It Is” and “On Me”. The EP has a very rhythmic, sultry, sensual R&B sound, which is a sound that Thomas thrives in and executes very well. Thomas was previously signed to Division1/Interscope (Rico Love’s Label) following her 2013’s hit with Wale, “Bad”. Thomas is currently an independent artist and is finally making the music she wants too.

Listen to Thomas kickback and blow it Up In Smoke below. You can also catch her on the new season of MTV’s Girl Code.

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