The Weeknd Announces The Madness Fall Tour With Travi$ Scott, Halsey & Banks

Hey Lovelites,

The Weeknd recently announced The Madness Fall Tour in support of his new album Beauty Behind The Madness with Travi$ Scott, Banks and Halsey. The music genre on this tour is well diversified and it will bring different types of music lovers together. Travi$, Halsey and Banks all represent The Weeknd’s sound and his different musical influences. It is a great line-up. Unfortunately, the tour won’t be stopping in Minneapolis but it will be going to Chicago and Detroit. So my Mid-West people still have a chance to catch the tour.

Check out the dates for the tour below. The Weeknd’s new album Beauty Behind The Madness will be released on Augist 28th till then listen to ‘the leak’ he released to hold over his fans below.

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The Weeknd Announces The Madness Fall Tour With Travi$ Scott, Halsey & Banks