ProbCause – “M.I.A.” featuring Saba [New Song]

Hey Lovelites,

In the new song M.I.A, ProbCause teams up with Saba for the first single off his Drifters album to be released this Friday (8/28). The up-tempo, party starting, romp shaking production on this song was done by Drew Mantia. Each emcee executes their verses flawlessly over this fast paced beat while bringing their unique flows.

Saba and The O’My’s will be joining ProbCause on his midwest tour starting this September in support of his upcoming project. Listen to ProbCause and Saba go M.I.A in their new track below and also check his tour schedule below. For more information on everything ProbCause, visit his website. Minneapolis! Make sure to check out Prob Cause when his tour stops at First Avenue’s 7th Street Entry on September 13th. It is sure to be a great show.

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The Drifters Tour Dates:

ProbCause – “M.I.A.” featuring Saba [New Song]