Maurice WIlliams – Happy.Being.Sad [New EP]

Hey Lovelites,

Maurice WIlliams has been sharing the titles of the songs on this EP consistently on Facebook and Twitter and it caught my attention. I was intrigued by the title of the EP Happy.Being.Sad and what type of music would be on it. So I asked Williams to e-mail the EP to me and he did, I listened to it and was overly impressed with this EP. I know Williams through his affiliation with rap collectives Free Lunch Crew and LikeMinds and I have listened to his music in passing. After I listened to this EP, I went to back to listen to his older projects and I have to say that the progression and growth in his music is commendable.Williams is an up and coming R&B/Soul singer that resides in St. Paul, MN and he plays the acoustic guitar as well. Williams released Happy.Being.Sad on September 1st, the 12-track EP features guest verses from Knucky (Free Lunch Crew) and production from Omito, Mad Money, Seeobeats, Classix Beats and more.

Judging from the title of this EP, I was expecting to be sad and cry a lot after listening to it but I’m glad to say that wasn’t the case. Of course there are songs that tug on your heartstrings on this EP, its only right but there are also other types of songs. The music on this EP portrays a romantic relationship at different stages (courting, honeymoon, denial, break-up etc). Williams questions, reflects, and confronts his honest feelings about relationships on this EP. It’s safe to say that at the end of the day and the EP, Williams seems to be in a much better place and as a listener so am I. The content in his music is easy to listen and relate too and this is a testament to his good singing and songwriting skills. While Listening to this EP, there were a few instances that I was convinced Williams was singing directly to me and about my life, LOL that’s how emotionally invested I was in the message and story behind the music. I think that Williams has put together a cohesive body of work, the only critique I have is that I would have liked the track sequencing to be a little different so that the EP had a better flow. Besides that I like this project a lot and I would to see Williams perform live very soon.

Listen to Williams new EP Happy.Being.Sad below. Also check out more of his music on Soundcloud. Let me know what you think of Williams and his music; comment below or tweet me (@thelitestyle).

Favorite Songs: Cloud 8 Ft. Knucky, Being Open live, Cigarettes, Tell Me/ The Lie, 4U live and Time Off/The Confession.

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