Bobby Raps + SinGrinch – “Wicked City” Movie and Soundtrack

Hey Lovelites,

In late August Bobby Raps (thestand4rd), SinGrinch, and Tiiiiiiiiiiiiip had the premiere for the movie “Wicked City” at Zaki’s Art Gallery along with some awesome music performances and all around great music and vibes. “Wicked City” is a musical interpretation of the classic 1987 anime directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri of the same name. Bobby Raps and Sin Grinch created instrumentals and songs around the film and are giving this classic anime a new and unique audio/visual experience. The movie and it’s soundtrack is now available online. The soundtrack consists of eight tracks with guest verses from Chester Watson and co-production from Psymun (thestand4rd).

Check out the highlight from the “Wicked City” premiere courtesy of Common culture here. Watch “Wicked City” and listen to the soundtrack below. Let me know what you think of the movie and soundtrack; comment below or tweet me (@thelitestyle).


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