Olawumi – Understand [New Song]

Throughout this year, Nigerian-American songstress Olawumi has strategically shared new music and visuals to holdover her fans and get them excited for her CROWNS EP due at the end of the year. A few months ago she gifted us with Hate Me Now Vol. 1 and now she is back to give us the #TheFeels. Olawumi had this to say about #thefeels;

It is not an EP, it is a series of songs that will make you feel. ‘Understand’ is the first song off #thefeels; Olawumi sings over a bed of bold synths and instrumentals as she reminisces over past relationships and builds into her strength after the fact. The song was produced by California Native Nova.
Listen to Olawumi’s new song ‘Understand’, the 1st song off #thefeels series below and look out for more songs to come. Get ready because Olawumi is going to make you feel.
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