Tommy Martinez – Deux Ex Machina [New Album]

Tommy Martinez’s resurgence into music is very official now. After taking a much needed break, he is back with a fresh perspective and a story to tell.This is evident in his new album Deux Ex Machina, which was released on October 30th. The 10-track project has no guest verses on it. I think is a smart move for rising artists because their first few projects is meant for them to find their sound,voice, flow, and vibe. This is hard to do when you have features, especially features from more established artists. Those artists tend to overshadow the rising artists or the rising artists feel the need to emulate the flow of the established artist. This is not the case with Martinez’s album and I’m happy that he was able to experiment with different approaches and cadences. The album features productions from Dopant Beats, Arran Sym, Milesbricemusik,Sukrani and Disguyized Beats just too name a few. I think the production on this album gave Martinez the moment he needed to shine and showcase his versatility as an emcee. Martinez’s Flow is stand alone and unmatched. He’s delivery is confident, well spaced, and he rarely misses a beat. He is always on point. Martinez has definitely been working on his craft and his new music is proof of that. He has found his sweet spot and is beginning to settle into his own sound and he sounds very sharp.I look forward to seeing Martinez do more live performances, connect with other artists and continue to develop as an artist.

Listen to Martinez’s new album Deux Ex Machina below. Also check out more of his music and stay updated with everything Tommy Martinez via his website. Let me know what you think of Martinez and his music; comment below or tweet me (@thelitestyle).

Favorite Songs: Deux Ex Machina, Cassandra, Wealth & Health, A Beautiful Nightmare, and Through The Hourglass (outro)

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