Alex Wiley – Navigator Truck Ft. Calez & Chance The Rapper [New Song]

Alex Wiley is getting ready to release his new album Village Party II on November 20th. Wiley dropped a new song off the album today titled Navigator Truck featuring Calez and Chance the Rapper. This song was produced by YOG$. Wiley has been putting in a lot of work, he continues to release good, quality music and give great performances at his shows. Wiley was recently in Minneapolis for the Kid Like Us farewell show, and he also did a song with Future Fossils on their new EP Tears of Gold coming out next week. I look forward to hearing Wiley’s new album and see him headline a tour in support of it.

Listen to Wiley and his Chicago brethren rap about whipping around in their Navigator Truck with your main chic below:

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Image via Alex Wiley’s Twitter.