Olawumi – Places (Prod. by Nova)

The lovely Olawumi has been teasing the second song in her music series #thefeels for a little bit now and after much anticipation the song is here. The sultry tune is titled “Places”, produced by frequent collaborator, NOVA. On this song, Olawumi sings about a love that transcends and makes you feel the unimaginable. Her tone on this song is smooth, soothing, soft, and affectionate, which brings the subject of the song to the forefront. Olawumi continues to evolve as an artist and her craft follows suit. Her new EP, Crowns is set to be released top of the year next year and she is planning to do some shows in support of the EP as well.

Till then listen to my girl Olawumi as she takes you Places with her new song below.

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