Homeless & Big Cats – The Polar Bear Rug (Album)

Hey Lovelites,

I recently attended Minneapolis vocalist and pianist Eric Mayson’s debut show at Honey and that is where I was introduced to Homeless. He had a strong stage presence and I really liked his music. I was excited to hear that he was putting out a joint album with Big Cats. Big Cats has done some notable joint projects with Toki Wright, Guante, and The Tribe, just to name a few. I knew if Big Cats was doing a collaboration with Homeless that I had to pay attention to him and I’m glad I did.

Homeless and Big Cats recently released their joint album titled The Polar Bear Rug. This album is a hybrid of different music genres and influences. Big Cats is on production bringing the authentic hip-hop sound, rhythm, and elements. While the guest features by Eric Mayson and Lydia Liza provide the album with a jazz, soul, funk, and melodic flare. Homeless’ confident and composed demeanor shines through in his delivery and flow on this project. He commands your attention with the content in the music; Homeless uses his music to deliver a message and tell a story. His rhymes are well executed to help drive his point home. The Polar Bear Rug album is a 7-track project with guest features from some influential people in the Minneapolis music scene such as: POS (Doomtree), Toki Wright (Soultools), MALLY, Eric Mayson and Lydia Liza.

I think Homeless and Big Cats have put together a cohesive album. I think Homeless has set the bar high with the content and his overall execution of this album. As always, Big Cats has outdone himself again with the production. The quality of Big Cats production on this album is a testament as to why he is one of the most sought after producers and a great influence in the MN music scene. I’m glad I paid attention to Homeless that day at Honey and I sure hope that everybody does the same because he brings a strong and fresh perspective to MN hip-hop scene. I’m excited to see him grow and excel with his passion in music.

If you haven’t already, check out The Polar Bear Rug Album below and on SoundCloud or you can also stream it on Spotify. The album is also available on iTunes and Bandcamp. Let me know what you think of Homeless and his collaboration album with Big Cats; comment below or tweet me TLO (@thelitestyle) and let me know your favorite songs and your thoughts. Homeless and Big Cats are having an album release event  at Icehouse this Saturday (August 1st). More details here. Come out and show them some love.

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