Greg Grease – Motif EP

Hey Lovelites,

Earlier this year, Minneapolis Emcee and Producer Greg Grease released his album Born To Lurk, Forced to WorkGreg is keeping the ball rolling as he release the first installment in a series of EPs, this first one is titled Motif. This 3-track EP is produced entirely by Minneapolis producer Javi Santiago and features Proper-T & IBE. Santiago, IBE, and Proper-T have all collaborated Greg on one or more of his projects, it’s nice to see Greg continue to make good music and build with these same people. Greg plans to put out more individual projects and each of these projects will have a different producer. I look forward to hearing more new music from Greg.

Check out Greg Grease’s latest music offering, Motif EP below and on his soundcloud and bandcamp. Also check out the latest episode of Open Mike Eagle’s podcast ‘Secret Skin‘, Greg Grease is the featured guest on this episode. Greg talks about his life, music, indie-rap politics, Triple rock social club, and much more.It is a really good episode, make sure to give it a listen.

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