Lupe Fiasco – ‘LAW (LOVEALLWAYS)’ Ft. SimonSayz [New Music]

Hey Lovelites,

Lupe surprised his fans with a new song out of no where called ‘LAW (LoveAllWays)’ featuring SimonSayz and produced by Floss & Flame. This song is very smooth and Lupe’s approach and sound in this song are different from what we heard on his album, Tetsuo & Youth. I’m happy that Lupe is putting out new music and I like that he his experimenting with his sound. It is never too late to re-invent yourself especially when people have a jaded perception of who you are and what type of music you can make. I think Lupe is taking the steps to dispel negative perceptions associated with his music starting with this song. I look forward to hearing more new music and hopefully seeing him perform live soon.

Listen to Lupe get personal and speak candidly to the ladies with LAW (LoveAllWays) below.

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