Sayth – Body Pillow [New EP] Prod. By North House

Hey Lovelites,

Eau Claire rapper Sayth recently released his new EP Body Pillow produced North House. The EP consists of 4 tracks and has guest features from Baby Blanket and Wealthy Relative. On this EP, Sayth gets personal as he addresses difficult, vulnerable, and uncomfortable topics that artists especial those in the hip-hop industry often shy away from.  He does this in a very confident and clever manner; his lyrics and delivery are on point. North House’s production helps the intention and message behind Sayth’s music to life.  North House’s production and Sayth’s flow and content complement each other very well. The songs on this EP touches on different stages and emotions in life that we all experience. Sayth’s music is honest, relatable, and unfiltered; he really immerses himself in his music and it is evident in this EP.

Hold on tight to your Body Pillow as you listen to Sayth’s new EP below. Check out more of Sayth music on his Soundcloud, Bandcamp and stay updated with him on all his social media platforms. Let me know what you think of Sayth and his music; comment below or tweet me TLO (@thelitestyle).

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