GoldLink – “Movin’ On” Ft. Louie Lastic [New Music]

Hey Lovelites,

GoldLink is having a great year thus far. From making XXL’s freshmen list to being one of the top supporting acts on Mac Miller’s GO:OD AM Tour, it’s safe to say that Goldlink is making his mark in the music scene. Today Goldlink premiered his new up-beat dance song with long-time collaborator and producer Louie Lastic on Complex. This track samples 2Pac’s “I Get Around” and it gives off that same ‘party and good times’ vibe that is associated with the 2pac song. Goldlink’s lyrics and flow on this song is light-hearted, witty, rhythmic, and catchy, which makes for a fun song. Goldlink performed in Minneapolis earlier this year and he’ll be back in the Fall at Mill City Nights supporting on Mac Miller’s tour. So be sure to check him out live because he is an awesome live performer and I’m sure when he performs this song the crowd will go WILD! GoldLink is gearing up for the release of his upcoming project, And After That, We Didn’t Talk soon, so keep an eye out for that.

Till then listen to Goldlink’s new song below and keep Movin’ On.

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