Hey Lovelites,
I’m excited to share that I was a guest on the latest episode of the Thank You Rob Podcast with Rob Small and John Questionmark. I met Rob and John earlier this year when I accompanied my good friend, talent artist and creative Danami when he was a guest on the podcast. That was Episode #111, I was an audience member for that show and it was taped at 33rd Realm store in North St. Paul. You can hear me making comments and laughing here and there in the background on that episode. I also featured on the first of the three part ‘For The Love’ episode, which was taped in the basement of The Bedlam Theatre in Lowerton, St. Paul. Now I’m a guest by myself on the show for Episode #146 and I most say that it was a great pleasure to be invited by Rob to be on the show. I was very humbled to be invited on the show because to me it shows how much my brand and blog has grown and evolved since the first time I met Rob and John. The Thank You Rob Podcast has done some insightful yet informative and fun interviews with the top artists, DJs, and all around creatives in the Twin-Cities. I’m honored to be viewed in the likeness and status of these amazing people.
This was an interesting episode. We discussed “Titanic 2”, the rumored Outkast biopic, Offsprings and kins of Rappers, Parental Advisory and so much more. I definitely had a comment and a few choice words on all these topic. Also, Rob and John graciously inquire more about the blog, my background, my aspirations, and what the future looks like for The Litestyle Observer. I hope you enjoy this episode of the Thank You Rob Podcast and please support, review, and share the podcast! A special thank you again to Rob and John for having me and I look forward to being on the podcast again.
Listen to the episode below and you can also check it out on the Thank You Rob website, Stitcher Radio and I-Tunes. Let me know what you think of this episode and the podcast overall; comment below or tweet me (@thelitestyle).