Spotlite Artist – Elli Ingram

Hey Lovelites!

This is a new initiative that I’m starting on the blog to showcase artists I stumble into on the web, up and coming artists, and artists that people have introduced me too. I love listening to new stuff, so please tag, tweet (#onlite, #litelisten), comment, and put me on to some new stuff! I’d love to hear it and share!! That’s what I’m here for people. Now back to matter at hand. Today’s Spotlite Artist is Brit R&B/soul singer Elli Ingram. Elli hit the music scene big last year when she put a sultry and jazzy spin on Kendrick Lamar’s Poetic Justice. Take a listen below!!!

She is also did an amazing cover to Chance The Rapper’s Cocoa Butter Kisses and titled it Canna Butter Kisses (Check it out). I stumbled upon Elli when I was on Youtube one day and her rendition of “Poetic Justice” was one of my recommended videos to watch. I checked it out and wanted to hear everything piece of music she has out after watching it. I have kept up and followed Elli’s music since then. She has two EP’s out : Sober (2013) and The Doghouse (2014). You can check out her Sober EP alongside a few songs off her new EP The Doghouse and other dope music on her soundcloud.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


Check out Elli Ingram and let me know what you think about her!! I can’t wait to hear more from her. She has an incredible voice and makes great music. GO ELLI!!

Favorite Songs on the Sober EP: Sober, Poetic Justice, and High Love

Favorite Songs on The Doghouse EP: All Caught Up, When it was Dark, and Gangsta Blues


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