Spotlite Artist – TIAAN


Yes! I’m giving you lovelites a double treat with my Spotlite Initiative! I like to think that I have a unique palette and ear for music. People are often taken back with the music I listen too, but when I feel something I really feel it and I rock with it. Someone that I’m really feeling right now is TIAAN. I stumbled on TIAAN this past weekend on Spotify! I was going through the New Releases as I often do and I saw the single cover for her new song CLEAN! and I checked it out. I was pleasantly surprised and I listened to this song on repeat all night. I loved it so much, plus it sounded amazing on my BEATS PILL.. =). When I woke up the next day I was determined to find any and all information and music on TIAAN. So I did my googles and I found her site. Here’s a lite summary of TIAAN:

1. She was born in Australia and she is based in LA.

2. She comes from a musical background; both of her parents were involved in music, so she was always surrounded with good music growing up.

3. She toured with her dad’s band for some  years: This is when she began to explore and better her songwriting skills, find her voice and cultivate her stage presence.

4.  She is a Singer/Song Writer; she has written songs with Gary Clark.

5. Her song “Clean” premiered on (BIG DEAL). This means that she is someone that deserves to be paid attention too.

6. Her Self-titled EP, TIAAN is available right now and you can take a listen to it on her soundcloud.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


TIAAN’s sound is sexy, modern, eclectic, sultry and futuristic. When you listen to her music you will see why her and Gary Clark would write together; they sound like they would complement each other. Her sound is unique and it was refreshing for me to hear it. Take a listen to TIAAN and let me know what you think of her. I will be keeping up with TIAAN and as always look forward to hearing more music from her soon.

Image: TIAAN’s Soundcloud.

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