ZULUZULUU’s AstralBeat Theories – Final Show at Icehouse, Minneapolis

ZULUZULUU‘s Astralbeat Theories, An Icehouse Residency FEATURING ZULUZULUU MEMBER EACH WEEK. 21+ || $7.00 || Tickets sold out online but there are a few available at the door. PRESENTED BY SOUND VERITE RECORDS SPONSORED BY 89.3 The Current Art by Keith Millions The Final Show features: ZULUZULUU is made up of six musicians/producers: MMYYKK, Proper T,…

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ZULUZULUU’s AstralBeat Theories #1 at Icehouse, Minneapolis

ZULUZULUU‘s Astralbeat Theories, An Icehouse Residency FEATURING ZULUZULUU MEMBER EACH WEEK. The First Show featuring: Proper – T aka Taylor Johnson – Vocalist, Producer, Pianist and all around creative. AstralBeat Theories Part 1 – EP [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/269550200″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] This is the first show in the 4-week Icehouse residency with special guests every week. 21+…

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Frequencies at Greenhouse, Minneapolis

FREQUENCIES On Thursday, October 27th stop by the Greenhouse to experience FREQUENCIES, an art installation featuring the collaborative work of artist Michael Cina and photographer John Klukas. The installation will be open from 7-10pm preceding the first night of Zuluzuluu‘s Astralbeat Theories residency at Ice House — located conveniently next door. ABOUT THE INSTALLATION Artwork…

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