Third Thursday: Seeing Nature at Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA), Minneapolis

JOIN Mia and see “Seeing Nature: Landscape Masterworks from the Paul G. Allen Family Collection” free! ( MAKE & TAKE cyanotypes (sun prints) with natural objects, lead by artist Emma Freeman. CONNECT with Mississippi Park Connection and National Park Service( TRY YOUR HAND at painting en plein air. GET NATURAL in the Photobooth. LOOK CLOSER…

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Third Thursday: Art of Sustainability at Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA)

EXPERIENCE sustainable living with the launch of the light-House, an ecotourism event designed by Alchemy WeeHouse. VIEW sustainable art in the collection on mini gallery tours. MAKE & TAKE a bamboo bee house in honor of the museum’s rooftop hives. PARTICIPATE in a “ZeroWaste” event with Eureka Recycling. CREATE your own eco-friendly household cleaner with…

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