Paula DeAnda – Believe In Love [New Song]

There are some artists whose music, voice, and sound always impress you, Paula DeAnda is one of those artists to me. I paid homage to DeAnda earlier this year in my Lite Listen #TBT post because I believe Jojo, Asia Cruise, Teena Maria, DeAnda and a few others laid the blueprint for many of the emerging R&B and Pop stars today. This year, Paula released her song Don’t Stop and was featured on Canadian Emcee Honey Cocaine’s #TheGiftRap EP just to name a few things she has worked on. She recently put out a new song titled Believe In Love produced by “D Lux” Burgess. DeAnda sings about a special somebody in her life that makes her want to love without limits and boundaries. I have always been a fan of DeAnda’s and I never really understood the series of events that led to her not being as big of a star as she once was. I hope to see her get more recognition and also put out another full length project. People can say what they want about DeAnda, but the fact remains that her self-titled debut album was a HIT with classics on it. Nobody can take that away from her.

Listen to Deanda as she sways you to Believe in Love again in her new song below.

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Image via Paula DeAnda’s Facebook.