Latrell James – The Mentality Prod. By Latrell James and Tedd Boyd [New Song]

Boston Emcee/Producer Latrell James released a new song titled ‘The Mentality’ produced by himself and Tedd Boyd. Earlier this year, James released his well received and highly praised EP ‘Twelve’ and has done a lot of producing as well since then. He even produced a song on the Midwest’s own, Psalm One’s latest project ‘P.O.L.Y’ titled Impatient (Just U and Us), one of my favorite songs off that project. James is back working on new music for himself and this song is the first single he has released since the release of his ‘Twelve’ EP. On this song, James tackles the general ‘Mentality’ that surrounds money especially in the day and age we live in today. James says,
“Money being a main motivator in life is a common mindset and a frequently depicted topic in all forms of music. This subject matter is given an experimental twist in becoming the centerpiece of “The Mentality”.
Accompanied by his simplistic yet refine self-production (alongside his brother Tedd Boyd), James utilizes a effortless flow to express his infectious ‘when that money dialing in I should go’ message and as the delivery speeds up, James offers wise words on how people’s assumptions and attitudes come into play when the almighty dollar is at stake.
Hear James shares his ‘Mentality‘ on his new song below. Stay updated with everything related to Latrell James and his music via his website, Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud.
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