Rich Garvey – I’m Taking All That Prod. by Travis Gorman [New song]

I remember the first time I saw Rich Garvey perform, it was the band Pho(funk). I remember being so impressed and moved by his music, stage presence and how he kept the engaged throughout his performance. I have been a fan since then. So it’s with pleasure that I share his new single ‘I’m Taking All That’, produced by one of the hardest working producer/ DJ in the Twin-Cities Travis Gorman. This song is high energy, Garvey delivers his verses rapidly with the confidence and strong diction which his known for. Travis teases the drums as he fades them in and out and makes them more pronounced at different parts of the song. Garvey is very determined and focused right now; he has been performing, making beats and writing a lot lately in preparation of his new EP, The Masses. This new EP will embody Garvey’s growth not only as an emcee but as a producer as well. The EP should be dropping sometime next year.

Listen to Garvey take all that on his new song below:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Also you can catch Garvey performing at ‘HipHop and Hops‘ at LynLake Brewery tomorrow (12/16) with Andre Mariette and PCP. This show is free so go out and enjoy some good music with some good brews.

Artwork by – @PhibDoesThis