AfriTribeRadio – Volume One

The creative brand Afri Tribe is launching their latest platform ‘AfriTribeRadio‘. Afri Tribe will be using this platform to give exposure to music from rising local African artists as well as internationally known African and American music in a fusion referred to as “afrotrap”. Music ranging from local artists such as Olawumi and Ikey, to established artists like Wizkid or Wale, in one mix in what they are calling “Sounds of the Diaspora”. As a Nigerian – American myself, I see the value in AfriTribeRadio because not a lot of platforms share the contents that they will be sharing. I appreciate this platform because it is bridging the gap for people like me who enjoy all types of music, especially music from the African diaspora. African music and sound is quickly gaining the recognition that is rightfully deserves, this platform will be on the pulse of the movement as the music spreads to different audiences through different forums.

Listen to the first volume of AfriTribeRadio below. Stay updated and get more familiar with Afri Tribe via their websiteTwitter, Instagram, and Soundcloud.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

This First Volume was made possible by:

Zeus Rocka – Mixing and Finishing
Temi Coker – Artwork
Ayo O – Executive Producer