Olawumi ft. Khary – “Lost” [New Music]

OLAWUMI is back with some new music. She continues her R&B series “The Feels”  with a new dreamy, bass and synth-heavy track featuring NYC based rapper, Khary Durgans. On this emotional Cloud Atrium – produced track, Olawumi croons about lost love and her search for the strength to move on from a love that she thought would last forever. She persistent about putting an end to this chapter of her life and Khary adds an extremely reminiscent verse that ties the concept behind the song together. After this track, Olawumi will be releasing one more track to close out “The Feels” music series as she is currently working on a brand new EP. This new EP is titled “Emote” and it is set to be released later this year.
Listen to Olawumi give you “The Feels” on her new Khary- assisted track,Lost” below. Be sure to keep an eye out for Olawumi’s closing single to her music series “The Feels” coming soon, it’s one that shouldn’t be missed.
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